Burnaby Mountain District Needs Volunteers!

Burnaby Mountain District is so lucky to have many incredible volunteers in our District that make all of our Guiding activities possible. Volunteers run our Units, plan activities and camps, come up with fun event ideas, and so much more!

Burnaby Mountain Guiders and former girl members Katrina Berry, Andrea Berry, Carissa Konesky, and Eliesse Harpaz at the West Coast Area Guider Appreciation event.

Right now, our District needs volunteers more than ever! Now is the perfect time to consider joining Girl Guides as a volunteer and becoming part of our amazing team!

Four of our volunteer leaders – Katrina, Andrea, Carissa, and Eliesse, have been involved with Burnaby Mountain District since they were girls themselves! They went through Guiding together and had the chance to attend camps, sleepovers, and events. Even after they became adults they stayed with the District to become leaders and give girls the chance to have similar opportunities that they had.

Girl Guide leaders have a lot of fun and learn many new skills that look great on a resume! All volunteers with Girl Guides have access to trainings, support, and mentorship. Girl Guide volunteers also have access to scholarships to support with education, travel opportunities, and the chance to meet so many amazing fellow Girl Guides from across the country! There are also opportunities for recognition! Recently, many Guiders in our District attended a special event at Van Dusen Gardens.

Doesn’t this sound awesome? We’d love to have you join our team and make Girl Guides possible for even more girls. Apply now to volunteer here: https://www.girlguides.ca/WEB/AdultReg

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