Aurora Winter Festival with Guides

Recently, Burnaby Mountain District’s 49th Guides went on a special outing for an end-of-season finale to the Aurora Winter Festival at the PNE.
The unit was able to make this a fun and affordable outing (including a ride pass!) because the girls were fantastic cookie sellers in the fall campaign — well done, girls!
There weren’t a lot of people there, so there was barely any waiting in line. A small assortment of rides were open, and they rode the tube slide and Super Shot, which were conveniently located beside each other. At one point the girls even stayed on the ride, time and time again.
They downloaded the app on a Guider phone, so along the Mystical Worlds lights display stroll, the girls found icons and scanned QR codes to complete the quest and each received a souvenir jingle bell ornament as a prize.
The girls had a blast running around, and dancing in the disco igloo. It was a fun and exciting outing for the Guides. What a great way to finish 2019 with Guiding friends, and an awesome reward for an especially successful cookie campaign.

Holiday Crafts and CWFF Fundraising

The 24th Guides have been getting into festive spirit by making crafts and decorating cookies at their most recent meetings. Some favourites have included making calendars to count down to fun holiday days.

In addition to the crafts the girls made for themselves, the unit also made crafts for a CWFF fundraiser craft sale. The CWFF is the Canadian World Friendship Fund, and it supports Canadian Girl Guides getting involved internationally with the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts.

According to our national website, “The Canadian World Friendship Fund is maintained through voluntary contributions from members and friends of Guiding, to help our members to experience Guiding internationally. It offers financial assistance to adult members who have been selected to accompany girls on nationally sponsored trips, to members attending international Guiding events as GGC representatives, and to girls and adults from other Guiding countries visiting Canada for special events.

All Burnaby Mountain District units have been challenged to do a CWFF fundraiser this year. Way to go, Guides — we hope your craft sale was a success!

Gingerbread Houses

At their last meeting, the 2nd Sparks and 47th Brownies had a blast decorating gingerbread houses. It was a great way to get the holiday season kickstarted with some Guiding friends.

The large cookie pieces were tricky to maneuver, so the delicious treats actually needed a surprising amount of engineering skill! Frosting is a sticky glue, to be sure, and while the girls did make a pretty spectacular mess, they all ended up pretty proud of their creations.

Stay tuned this month as we’re likely to see updates from other units getting up to some holiday fun with awesome outings and special meetings.