Sparks Outing to the Theatre

The girls of the 1st Sparks recently enjoyed an outing to the Carousel Theatre for Young People’s presentation of The Very Hungry Caterpillar and Other Eric Carle Favourites. The show presented some of our favourite stories: The Very Hungry Caterpillar, The Mixed Chameleon, and Little Cloud. This production, designed for kids aged 3-7 years old, was perfectly suited to Sparks!

1 Sparks Caterpillar 5The show used puppets and black light to tell the stories in a way that seemed truly magical. As a special treat, the puppeteers came on stage at the end of the show to demonstrate to the audience how the puppets are used. Almost unanimously, the girls’ favourite part was when the caterpillar turned into a beautiful butterfly.

1 Sparks Caterpillar 6

As part of regular weekly meetings, the girls prepared for the show by reading the stories and doing some Eric Carle inspired art. Check out some of their finger and fruit paintings of the Very Hungry Caterpillar.

1 Sparks Caterpillar 1It was such a treat to see story books come to life on stage. This outing not only introduced many of them to professional live theatre for the first time, it also prompted many of them to borrow Carle’s books from their school libraries. And who doesn’t want to see kids more interested in books?

The outing was heavily subsidized by the unit’s excellent cookie sales. Way to go girls!

Celebration of Achievement

Last month an Area wide celebration was held to recognize girls who achieved the highest awards possible last Guiding year. In Burnaby Mountain district two young women were celebrated for accomplishing the Chief Commissioner’s Gold Award. These dedicated members earned their award through activities in Rangers and as Junior Leaders with younger branches.

The award night is an annual area tradition. It was a lovely celebration. Seen below are the recipients of the Chief Commissioner’s Gold Award with the Bill Reid prints that they received in honour of their accomplishments. Carissa and Ziyana represent Burnaby Mountain district.

cel of achievement 2014

The Chief Commissioner’s Gold Award is the highest award a girl member can achieve in Guiding. It recognizes completion of the Ranger program including a cookie campaign challenge and a service project. This award generally takes three years to complete and successful completion of the award also entitles the girl to two additional high school credits.

Way to go Carissa and Ziyana! Your district is very proud of you and we appreciate all that you’ve done for our organization.